The address is 1437 Cumberland Caverns Rd. McMinnville, TN 37110 For driving directions visit: http://cumberlandcaverns.com/directions/
Check in times will be Friday from 6-7 P.M. and Saturday from 8-8:30 A.M. A table will be set up inside the cave by the Moby Dick Pool. Head down to the cave and you will see it as you go in. One of the things that sets Erupt apart from any other youth event and makes it so exciting is that it is held in room formed by God (a cave). That being said the temperature year round for this cave is 56 degrees. This means you will need to dress appropriately. Even if it is 95 degrees outside you need to bring jackets and wear long pants.
You will have access to a wireless network in the cave. With this in mind please remind your students that we are here to be uplifted spiritually and not play on our phones, social media, snap chat, text, etc...